Does the title of this article get you really excited? You mean to tell me that you are going to tell me how to burn 500 calories without setting food in a gym? Yes, that is exactly what I am telling you. I am going to explain exactly how in this article, but before I do, you have to promise that you'll listen and try this technique. It may very well be the best piece of fitness advice you'll ever receive. Promise? Ok good.
To understand the strategy behind how to burn 500 calories without exercising, you must understand that some things burn more calories than others. Of course if you run on a treadmill for an hour, you're probably going to burn around 500 calories, give or take 100. Wow all of that running for a measly 500 calories? Ack! Seems like a lot of effort. And you know what is worse. Once you get off that thing, your calorie burn is all but FINISHED. There is little to no recovery from a treadmill and even less from a glider. Get ready for some top secret knowledge.
How to Burn 500 Calories While Reading
What if you could sit and read a book for a few hours while munching on a nice snack, and you would burn 500 calories? That would be nice wouldn't it? You can. And here's how. See your body adapts to changing conditions it undergoes on a daily basis. If you break down muscle tissue, it spends the next 48 hours repairing that muscle tissue, and restructuring it so that it can better withstand the breakdown next time. This not only builds stronger leaner muscle (which looks much better than fat), but it also burns A TON of calories in the process. And it does this while you are at rest.
So, if you spend about a 45 minutes in the gym lifting weights (just enough to break down your muscle fibers), then you are primed to be a fat burning furnace for the next 48 hours. But you have to make sure you are lifting weights or doing some sort of high resistance exercise that is breaking down your muscle tissue. You are wasting your time otherwise. If you don't believe me just take a look at the ratio of overweight people on the treadmill to the ratio of overweight people lifting weights next time you're at the gym.
NOTE: Give your muscles 48 hours to recover before heading back into the gym. The recovery phase is vital. You can also do these exercises at home if you don't have a gym membership.
It Doesn't End There
How to burn 500 calories without exercising doesn't end there. See, the more lean muscle you develop (again, much sexier than flab hanging off your bones), the higher your actual base metabolism will ultimately be. So when you are doing normal activities such as walking, writing, typing, shopping, whatever, you will be constantly burning more calories than you would if you didn't have this muscle. Muscle actually burns 3x the calories relative to fat.
Burn Calories While You Eat
Yes. You can actually burn calories while you take in calories. How? Well some structures are harder for the body to break down than others, particularly complex proteins. Due to this, the body expends more energy (burns more calories) breaking down protein than it does anything else. Focus on foods high in protein and you'll not only build more muscle, but you'll burn more calories in the process.
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