Monday, October 25, 2010

WoW Bot - InnerSpace Guide

First off, I'd like to explain some terms. Innerspace is an operating system, not a bot. Many people will be peeved if you say that. Openbot is a program/plugin/whatever that runs on innerspace. Openbot is a bot. Get these down and you'll save the openbot vets some hair.

Innespace is NOT free. And I did't find a crack yet. Yes you will need to pay for it if you'd like to use it. It will cost you $10 for a 3-month subscription. This is cheaper than glider elite. If you'd like to subscribe to use this bot register an account, and subscribe from there.

Once you have an account subscribed, you can start this guide.

-Setting up Software-

1. Download and install the latest version of Innerspace.

2. Download the latest version of ISXWoW and ISXWarden. Always keep these up to date!

Install ISXWoW by running the installer if you downloaded that, or if you downloaded the zip, extract ISXWoW.dll into the Extentions folder and the other files into your Interface folder.

Install ISXWarden by simply extracting the .dll to the Extensions directory of your Innerspace installation.

3. Launch innerspace, right click on the little crosshairs icon, and click configuration.

4. Click on the "Game Configuration" tab and select World of Warcraft from the dropdown menu. Click Startup.

-Ingame Openbot Setup-

1. Once Innerspace is loaded with WoW and you've checked ISXWarden to be okay, log ingame and bring down console again.

2. Type into console:

run openbot/openbot

This should load the ingame interface.

Going into the rest of the steps for Openbot Configuration takes alot of detailed explanation. By way of a quick search, you would find that the full steps are available at most sites offering WoW Bot and other gaming tools.

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